CSCI 185: Fall 2023

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2023


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Project 1a: Project Proposal

Due on Mon, 11/06 @ 11:59PM. 10 Points.

During the last few weeks of the course, you will be designing and implementing a final project of your choosing.

Your task

  1. Carefully read the final project guidelines page.
  2. Fill out this project proposal worksheet.

Take a look at the appendix (in the Google Doc) for some examples of how to fill the worksheet out, but try not to be too constrained by these examples. Feel free to make this project work for you and your goals.


Really, I just want to see that you put some time and effort into thinking about what you want to accomplish and what it might take to make it happen. Along these lines, I will be grading you on:

  1. Completeness: did you answer the questions with enough detail?
  2. Demonstrated attention and thought to the scope, nature, and breakdown of the tasks.
  3. Evidence that you did some legwork to explore what kinds of examples, tutorials, and web resouces are out there.

What to turn in