CSCI 185: Fall 2023

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2023


Fish by @akeatk

Final Project

During the last part of the course, you will be designing and implementing a short project of your choosing. Think of this project as one step towards a larger goal you might work towards – dedicated to a web-related topic or idea that you’re excited about. You don’t have to complete your whole vision…just a slice of it. The most important thing is for you to pick something you’re interested in and excited about.

Don’t be afraid to take a risk and explore something you do not yet know how to do – part of the fun of a final project is exploring new technologies and ideas.


11/06 10pts Project proposal
11/19 15pts Midpoint project deliverable
11/20 5pts Share your progress with a few of your classmates
12/12 30pts Final project + write-up due
  60pts Total Points

Scoping Criteria / Ground Rules

Aim to scope your project so that you can arrive at a coherent stopping point by the end of the semester. I am hesitant to provide too many scoping criteria / restrictions a priori. I would rather work with you to scope something that is doable after first seeing what you’re interested in. That said, here are a few guidelines:

Final Project Options

1. Make an Animation or Game

You can create an animation or game using the p5.js library. If you go this route, please follow these guidelines.

2. Make a Static Website or Interactive Web App

You can also create a static or interactive website. If you go this route, please follow these guidelines.