CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Schedule > 1. Quiz 1: HTML & CSS

Week 5: Wed, Sep 14

1. Ground Rules (Please Read Carefully)

Quiz 1 is a take-home quiz. You will have ~36 hours to complete it. You may begin working on the quiz as soon as it is posted (Wednesday, 9/14 at 8AM). It is due on Thursday (9/15) at 11:59PM. No quizzes will be accepted after this time. You may work on the quiz on Wednesday during regularly scheduled class time in Zeis Hall, Rm. 203. Sarah will be there to answer any clarifying questions, but will not be able to answer any content-related questions.

What is Allowed and Disallowed

Study Resources

  1. Review the Study Guide
  2. Become very comfortable with the exercises from Tutorial 4. Think of Tutorial 4 as the practice quiz.

2. Your Tasks

Please download the starter files (below) and complete the 4 sets of tasks described below. Read the instructions that are outlined under each task very carefully. You must complete each exercise exactly as the instructions indicate to receive full credit. Otherwise, you will receive partial credit for the parts you correctly completed.

Quiz 1 Starter Files

[30pts] Task 1. Linking to Pages & Media Using Relative & Absolute Paths

For Task #1, You will be creating the website shown in this video and pictured in the screenshots below.

To do this, open the task01 folder. You should see a file structure that looks like this:

├── images
│   ├── mammals
│   │   ├── fox.jpeg
│   │   ├── lion.jpg
│   │   ├── monkey.jpg
│   │   ├── squirrel.jpg
│   │   ├── tiger.png
│   │   └── zebra.jpeg
│   ├── reptiles
│   │   ├── chameleon.jpeg
│   │   └── turtle.jpeg
│   └── sea-creatures
│       ├── fish
│       │   └── fish.png
│       └── other
│           └── jellyfish.jpeg
├── index.html
├── pages
│   ├── mammals.html
│   ├── reptiles.html
│   └── sea-creatures.html
└── styles.css

Then, complete the 4 subtasks:

[30pts] Task 2. CSS Selectors

For Task #2, you will be creating the webpage shown in this video and pictured below.

To do this, open the task02 folder and complete the tasks below. You may only edit the stylesheet (styles.css). Do not edit anything inside index.html. Note that there are many ways to come up with a correct answer.

[20pts] Task 3. Flexbox

Open the task03 folder and use flexbox to produce the layout shown below.

[20pts] Task 4. CSS Grid

Open the task04 folder and use CSS Grid to produce the layout shown below (note that the gridlines in the second images are just to help you understand the layout).

3. What to Turn In

Please doublecheck to make sure you’ve completed the 4 tasks described above, and all of the subtasks. When you’re done:

  1. Zip your entire quiz01 folder that contains a COMPLETED version of all 4 tasks. In other words, don’t accidentally submit the starter files or you will not receive any credit for the quiz.
  2. Upload the you just made to the course Moodle under Quiz 1.