CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Project 2 Option: JavaScript Widgets


  1. Browse the links below to get some ideas regarding techniques you might use in a current or future website.
  2. Select a technique you would like to explore
    • Hint: The carouselse and some of the first few scrollytelling demos are the simplest, but all are workable.
  3. Integrate this technique into your website. This should involve:
    • Changing the styling / content
    • Integrating it into a comprehensive webpage

Demos and Examples to Explore

1. Carousels

Experiment with one of the following:

  1. Swipper
  2. Other Interesting Carousels

2. Scrollytelling

3. Parallax Libraries

4. Other Animation Libraries and Tutorials

What to Submit