CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Project 2 Option: Animation

Animate one or more objects (cars, images, creatures). Pick at least three of the following effects to implement:

Num Task
1 Animate one or more of your objects. If your objects(s) move off of the screen, recreate them on the other side or have them bounce off the side.
2 Experiment with different kinds of motion. Instead of your objects moving linearly at a constant speed, you can experiment with the Math.sin and Math.cos functions (or any others techniques) to make your object oscillate, accelerate, decelerate, etc.
3 Spawn a new objects when the user either clicks or drags or right-clicks the screen.
4 Animate each of your objects so that their movement is slightly different (different speeds, different movement patterns).
5 Enable your user to control one or more of your objects using keyboard events (pressing the up/down arrow, using the spacebar, etc.)
6 Periodically add or remove objects to/from your scene.
7 When you click a objects, remove it from the screen.
8 Detect collisions, and do something interesting if any of your objects collide.
9 Enable the user to reposition an object by dragging it.
10 Create some game mechanics (space bar jumps or shoots, drag ‘flings’ an object, etc.).
11 Make your object periodically change colors.

What to Submit