CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Schedule > 2. The Internet & Society


Today we’re going to discuss the Black Mirror Episode Joan Is Awful as a way to consider how technological and society shape one another. Some questions to consider:

Assigned Readings

  1. By Friday (before class), watch: Black Mirror. Joan is Awful (2023), Season 6, Episode 1. Netflix.
    • If you don’t have Netflix, you can purchase the episode for $1.99 on Amazon.
    • Content warning: some profanity, nudity, and irreverent scenes. That said, the broader point of the piece surfaces many important socio-technical themes that are worth thinking about.
  2. By Monday (before class), read: Pew Research Center As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035 . By Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie. June, 2023.
    • Read the entire first page (though you’re welcome to read the entire report!)

