CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Tutorial 11: Practice Quiz

Due on Mon, 04/22 @ 11:59PM. 6 Points.


The intent of this tutorial is to give you a sense of what Quiz 2 will cover and the types of questions that will be on it. The quiz will consist of two parts:

  1. Code reading and interpretation. This part will be completed in class, on paper. A sample of the questions you will be asked can be found here.
  2. Code writing. This part will involve writing programs to accomplish various tasks, which we’ll be practicing today.

How to Study

To study for this quiz, please see the Quiz 2 Study Materials.

Please download the starter files and save them in your csci185/tutorials folder:

Download Tutorial Files

Code Writing Practice Questions

1. DOM Manipulation

Open the exercise01 folder and add event handlers to all of the buttons. When a button is clicked, the color of the box below it should change to the color of the box (see demo below).

2. Functions

Open the exercise02 folder and create a function called drawShape that draws two concentric circles of different colors (as shown below). The function should have the following parameters defined (in order):

  1. x – the x-coordinate of the center of the circle(s).
  2. y – the y-coordinate of the center of the circle(s).
  3. size – the diameter of the larger circle.
  4. color1 – the color of the larger circle.
  5. color2 – the color of the smaller circle, which is 1/2 the diameter of the larger circle.

When I invoke your function as follows (within the setup() function)…

drawShape(100, 100, 150, '#db5461', '#102e4a');
drawShape(200, 200, 75, '#102e4a', '#8093f1');
drawShape(100, 325, 100, '#8093f1', '#7fb285');
drawShape(250, 375, 125, '#7fb285', '#0bc9cd');
drawShape(450, 200, 250, '#0bc9cd', '#db5461');

…the image pictured below should be drawn to the screen:

3. Loops

Open the exercise03 folder. Inside of main.js, write a program, using any kind of loop you want, to output all of the restaurant names to the <main id="output"></main> tag of the index.html file. If you are successful, your screen should look like this:

4. Loops + Conditionals

Open the exercise04 folder. Inside of main.js, write a program, using any kind of loop you want, to output only the names of pizza restaurants to the <main id="output"></main> tag of the index.html file. You will have to filter your list by the category property of each restaurant. If you are successful, your screen should look like this:

What to Submit

Please commit and push your changes. Then, paste a link to your code repository (e.g., to the course Moodle under Tutorial 11.