CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Tutorial 10: Practice with Loops & Templates

Due on Mon, 04/15 @ 11:59PM. 6 Points.

Introductory Concepts

Tutorial 10 Starter Files

The goal of this tutorial is to get you more comfortable working with loops and templates.

Your Job

Please complete the 5 tasks described in the starter files (preview each of the index.html files to read the instructions). Specifically, you will create small programs that do the following:

When you’re done, you should have programs that look like this:

Task 2: Draw 50 different images to the screen

Task 3: Output the names of all of the students in the class to the screen

Task 4: Output “data cards” of all of the students in the class to the screen

Task 5: Query Spotify and display / play a song to the screen

What to Submit

Please Read Carefully: To submit Tutorial 10, please paste a link to your homepage on GitHub pages into the Moodle under the Tutorial 10 submission section. Your homepage should link to all 5 of the tasks.

See Sarah’s homepage for an example.