CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Project 1b: Second Deliverable

Due on Wed, 03/27 @ 11:59PM. 60 Points.

In your second deliverable, you will be converting your web page from a wireframe to a fully designed website in a style of your choice. Please read the following guidelines carefully. I have also included a list of useful tools / websites that can help you below:

Useful Tools / Websites

Images and Videos

For stock, uncopyrighted images and videos, try:

Color Tools

To find colors for your site, try these websites:

Fonts & Icons

1. Set Up

Make a copy of your project01a folder. Rename it to project01b

2. Your Tasks

Please complete the tasks listed below:

2.1. Font Choices

Select the fonts you will use, and apply them to your various HTML elements using CSS.

2.2. Color Choices

Choose a set of compatible colors (typically no more than 5 unless you have a good rationale for doing so) for your visual design. Feel free to use the color tools above to help you create a palette.

2.3. Media Choices

Media files are one of the best ways to add visual interest to your page. Consider adding some if it makes sense for your webpage.

2.4. Composition Choices

Make sure that you’re thinking about the principles of composition (proximity, alignment, contrast, asymmetry, color, and repetition) to build hierarchy and enhance usability. Feel free to revisit the slides under Topic 6. Some questions to ask yourself:

2.5. CSS Flourishes

Use at least 1 advanced CSS technique from Topic 8. Possible options include:

You may want to follow a YouTube tutorial if you’re curious about implementing a particular effect. There are so many different ways to use transitions / keyframes to do interesting things.

2.6. Accessibility

Use the Wave Accessibility tool to generate a Wave report. Then, fix any accessibility errors that the tool identified until no errors remain. Then, take a screenshot of your Wave Report (see Sarah’s example below).

2.7. Reflection

Please briefly answer the following questions (just 2-3 sentences per question) in the textarea on the Moodle:

  1. How did you try to follow the principles of composition in your design?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. If you had more time, how would you enhance your current design?

When you’re done, update your homepage (that you made during Tutorial 3) by adding a link to the index.html page that you just made (for Project 1b).


Sample Desktop Layout (Finished)

Sample Mobile Layout (Finished)

Wave Report (Accessibility)

3. Rubric

Before you submit your project, please check to make sure you have completed all of the tasks:

4. What to Turn In

On Moodle, paste a link to your GitHub homepage and your answers to the three short-answer questions.