CSCI 185: Spring 2024

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Spring 2024


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > HW3: Assigning CSS Properties Using Selectors

Due on Fri, 02/16 @ 11:59PM. 15 Points.

Your Tasks

Before you begin, please download the Homework 3 starter files.

Homework 3 Starter Files

1. Selector Practice: CSS Diners (4pts)

Complete the first 14 steps of CSS Diner. When you’re done, take a screenshot showing you completed all of the levels. Your screenshot should have a green checkmark next to each level (like the one below but with checkmarks).

Note that Quiz 1 will expect you to know all of the selectors, so make sure that you understand and review each of the 14 steps to study for Quiz 1.

2. Practice Assigning CSS Rules Using Selectors (6pts)

For Task #2, you will style the index.html file – by editing styles.css – so that it looks like this video (also pictured below).

To do this, open the exercise02 folder and complete the tasks below. You may only edit the stylesheet (styles.css). Do not edit anything inside index.html. Note that there are many ways to come up with a correct answer.

3. Practice Importing a Google Font (5pts)

Open exercise03 and use CSS to assign a custom Google Font font to the h1 and h2 tags.

Feel free to Google “How to use a Google Font in CSS” if you need help, or consult one or more of the links provided below:

Before you submit:

What to Submit

Please Read Carefully: To submit Homework 3, please paste the following links into the Moodle under the Homework 3 submission section:

  1. A link to your homepage (from Tutorial 3) on GitHub pages, which should link to your hw03 assignment (and previous tutorials and classwork you have done).
  2. A link to your GitHub code repository (where your code files are stored).

IMPORTANT: Make sure that your CSS Diner screenshot is saved in your hw03/exercise01 folder before you commit / send your files to GitHub.