CSCI 185: Fall 2023

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2023


Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Project 1c: Final Project Deliverable

Due on Tue, 12/12 @ 11:59PM. 30 Points.

What to turn in

For your final deliverable, you will be submitting your final project and a project write-up:

1. Final Project (20 Points)

To submit your final project, create a link from your homepage to your final project (like we have been doing all semester).

2. Project Write-Up (10 Points)

Write a reflection / self assessment (1-2 pages) that includes the following:

  1. A link to your code repository (GitHub)
  2. A link to your live website (GitHub Pages)
  3. A summary of your project and your process of making the website (feel free to draw from earlier text that you wrote). Please be sure to describe:
    • The overall goal of your project and intended audience.
    • The web technologies / libraries / techniques you used.
    • 1-2 things you learned in the process of completing your project.
    • How you believe you should be evaluated (list your accomplishments and how they relate to the themes of the class). Bullets fine.
    • How you think you did on this project given the evaluation criteria you selected.
    • What your next steps would be if you had more time.


In evaluating your final project, I will take the following into account (note that different criteria apply differently, depending on the direction of your project):

Category Points Evaluation Criteria
Scope of the Project 10
  • Was the scope of your project commensurate with your level of experience?
  • Did everyone on your team substantively contribute to the project?
  • Did you take into account all of the project feedback that was given to you (if applicable)?
  • Did you go out and research new technologies and figure out how to instantiate your ideas?
  • Did you push yourself to really engage with the ideas presented in the course on your own terms?
  • Did you take any risks (e.g. try to learn something you didn’t initially know how to do)?
Execution of the project 10
  • Did you arrive at a reasonable stopping point by the end?
  • Does your code works as intended?
  • Did you meet the evaluation criteria that you set for yourself in the reflection document?
Reflection 10
  • Did you write a thoughtful reflection of the intent of the project and any lessons learned?
  • Did you address all of the prompts (specified above)?