CSCI 185: Fall 2023

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2023


Fish by @akeatk

Practice for Quiz 2

To study for Quiz 2, please complete the practice quiz by downloading the starter files and following the instructions (below). If you have questions, please ask during class time or in office hours.

Download Starter Files

[20pts] Task 1. Flexbox

Open the task01 folder and use flexbox to produce the layout shown below.

[20pts] Task 2. CSS Grid

Open the task02 folder and use CSS Grid to produce the layout shown below (note that the gridlines in the second images are just to help you understand the layout).

[20pts] Task 3. Google Fonts

Open the task03 folder and apply the “Orbitron” Google Font to the h1 and h2 tags (see screenshot below).

[20pts] Task 4. Transitions

Open the task04 folder and create the following transition effects:

[20pts] Task 5. Responsive Layout

Open the task05 folder and create the following responsive layout for Desktop and Tablet. Assume that the tablet layout starts as max-width: 800px:



What to Submit (if this were a real quiz)

If this were the real quiz, you would commit and push your changes (like we’ve been doing in class). Then, you would paste each of the 5 links into the Quiz 2 section:

  1. A link to your code repository (e.g.,
  2. A link to your homepage (e.g.,