CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Lectures > 21. Quiz 2 Review Session & Intro to the Final Project

Today we’ll be doing 3 things:

  1. Show & tell for your Project 1 assignment
  2. Overview of Project 2
  3. Quiz 2 review session Q&A

Today's Activities

For today, please do the following:

1. Review the Slides

  1. Quiz 2 Review Session

2. Watch the Lecture Video(s)

Link Title Type Duration
Video 1 Course API Practice: Section 1 (12:30-1:45PM) lecture 1:13:57
Video 2 Course API Practice: Section 2 (3:30-4:45PM) lecture 1:15:42