CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Lectures > 9. Intro to JavaScript and the DOM

Today we’ll be starting our exploration of JavaScript. You have been assigned quite a few videos to watch. Please watch them – they’ll help you learn about JavaScript, which can be a bit overwhelming at first! You’ll also get to practice some basic JavaScript in this week’s tutorial.

Today's Activities

For today, please do the following:

1. Download the Exercise Files

Exercise Files

2. Complete the Assigned Readings

  1. Understanding the DOM Tree and Nodes. Digital Ocean
  2. How To Access Elements in the DOM. Digital Ocean

Optional Readings

  1. Intro to the DOM. Digital Ocean
  2. Gary Burnhardt JavaScript Wat Video.
  3. Jose Aguinaga How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016.
    Still relevant today!

3. Review the Slides

  1. Introduction to JavaScript and the DOM

4. Watch the Lecture Video(s)

Link Title Type Duration
Video 1 Intro to JavaScript and the DOM lecture