CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > Tutorial 5: HTML5 & CSS3 Flourishes

Due on Fri, 09/16 @ 11:59PM. 4 Points.

Download Tutorial Files

Today will be our last day of formal HTML & CSS instruction, though you will still be using both HTML and CSS for the duration of the course. Specifically, we will explore a few ways of enhancing your visual design using some additional HTML5 language features (audio, video, geolocation) and CSS properties (background effects, pseudoclasses, transitions, and keyframes).

Your Task

To get credit for today’s tutorial, please attempt ONE of the following three options:

  1. Background image effects
  2. Transitions
  3. Keyframe animations

Option 1: Background Image Effects

1. Uncomment the relevant CSS properties

Inside of the your-task downloads folder, open 01-background-images, and take a look at the HTML and CSS files to get oriented with them. Then, before making any changes to the code, preview the index.html page in your web browser.

After previewing your webpage, uncomment the following lines inside your styles.css file within your header style block.

  /* background-image: url('solar-eclipse.jpg');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    background-position-x: center;
    background-position-y: center; */

When you’re done, preview the page, noting what changed. You should now see a background image in your header of a solar eclipse.

Next, uncomment the following lines within your #section2 style block:

/* background-image: url('solar-eclipse-multiples.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;
background-size: contain;
background-attachment: fixed; */

When you’re done, preview the page. You should now see a background image of a series of photos of an eclipse behind a box of white text. The image should be anchored as you scroll.

2. Add Custom Images

Customize this page with your own background images.

3. Try Out the Filters

If you have time, also try playing with some of the background filters. Here is a list of available filters (also on W3 Schools). The options for the filter property are:

Hint: try adding filter: invert(180); to the header style block in your CSS file to see what happens.

Option 2: Transitions

1. Uncomment the relevant CSS style blocks

Inside of the your-task downloads folder, open 02-transitions, and take a look at the HTML and CSS files to get oriented with them. Then, before making any changes to the code, preview the index.html page in your web browser.

After previewing your webpage, uncomment the following lines inside your styles.css style block:

#section1 {
    background: #0c7474;
    color: white;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-out;

#section1:hover {
    background: purple;
    width: 220px;
    height: 220px;

When you’re done, preview the page, noting what changed. When you hover over the first section, you the section should grow and change color (horray)!

2. Create two more transition effects

Your job is to experiment with the other two section tags (#section2 and #section3) by making some interesting interactions, using transitions. Some tips:

  1. To make a transition, you define a transition inside of a style block (e.g., #section1) as follows: transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function> <delay>; Examples:
    • transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
    • transition: background 1s ease-in;
    • transition: all 3s linear;
    • transition: all 0.3s ease;
  2. Some properties that you may want to change:
    • border-radius
    • margin
    • padding
    • width
    • height
    • border-width
    • background-color
    • rotation
    • opacity
    • transform. Examples
      transform: skewX(20deg);
      transform: rotate(-10deg);

Feel free to look at sample-files/02-pseudo-classes and sample-files/03-transitions to get ideas.

Option 3: Keyframes

1. Uncomment the relevant CSS style blocks

Inside of the your-task downloads folder, open 03-keyframes, and take a look at the HTML and CSS files to get oriented with them. Then, before making any changes to the code, preview the index.html page in your web browser. You should see one cloud moving from left to right.

After previewing your webpage, uncomment the following two blocks of code lines inside your styles.css:

Inside of #cloud2:

/*  animation-timing-function: linear;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite; 
    animation-name: moveCloudLeft;
    animation-delay: 3s;
    animation-duration: 5s; 

Keyframe the bottom:

/* @keyframes moveCloudLeft {
    from { 
        left: calc(100vw + 100px); 
    to { 
        left: -100px; 
} */

When you’re done, preview the page, noting what changed. You should now see a second cloud moving from right to left.

2. Play around with the existing animation

  1. Try experimenting with the animation-delay, animation-duration, and animation-timing-function (ease-in, ease-out, ease, etc.) to change the speed and timing of the animation.
  2. See if you can make #cloud2 change to a darker gray and get larger as it moves across the screen.
    • Hint: Add some additional style rules to the to {} block of the moveCloudLeft keyframe.

3. Create a sunrise

See if you can make the circle on the bottom rise to the top (like a sunrise). To do this, you will have to define a new keyframe at the bottom of your stylesheet, and apply the keyframe to the #sun selector.

What to Submit

Please Read Carefully: To submit Tutorial 5, please paste the following links into the Moodle under the Tutorial 5 submission section:

  1. A link to your homepage on GitHub pages, which should link to the task you completed for Tutorial 5 (using a relative path). See Sarah’s Homepage for an example.
    • Note that your homepage should also link to previous tutorials and classwork you have done.
  2. A link to your GitHub code repository (where your code files are stored).