CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > HW4: Practice with Control: Animations & Landscapes

Due on Wed, 10/19 @ 11:59PM. 16 Points.

Homework Starter Files

The goal of this homework assignment is to get you more comfortable working with loops and conditional statements. There are also opportunities for up to 4 points extra credit (but no more).


  1. Practice working with loops
  2. Practice working with if statements
  3. Practice working with JavaScript’s built-in Math.random() module

Part 1: Landscapes

Your task (8 pts)

In landscapes/sketch.js, replace the code on lines 18-22 (which is repetitive) with a loop (any kind of loop you want) that makes 1,000 stars (or bubbles – up to you) that fill the entire canvas.


Optional enhancements (extra credit)

  1. [1pt] Draw a constellation (Orion’s Belt, Big Dipper, etc.)
  2. [2pts] Make your stars twinkle
    • Hint: You will need to implement the draw() function and periodically show and hide select stars.
  3. [2pts] Animate your bubbles
    • Hint: You will need to implement the draw() function so that it moves each bubble. Consider storing your bubble positions in an array so that you can update each of them everytime the draw() function is invoked by the p5.js animation loop.

Part 2: Animation


Open the cars/sketch.js file and examine the starter code. Some things to note:

Your tasks (8 pts)

  • Currently, the pink car moves very slowly. Make it move at a reasonable pace by modifying the data in the c1 object at the top of the page.
  • If the pink car gets past the end of the screen, it should seamlessly be moved to the beginning of the screen, so that it looks like it’s wrapping around.
  • Next, add a second car to your animation, which should move in the opposite direction, and also loop back around when it gets to the end of the screen (see the animated gif). To do this:
    • Copy the c1 object, paste it below the first one. Rename the copied object to c2. This new c2 state object will help you animate a second car.
    • Within the draw() function, add another drawCar() function call, but using the c2 object to position the car.
    • Note: the cars don’t have to be the same size or go the same speed.

Optional enhancements (extra credit)

The more you practice, the better you’ll get!

  1. [1pt] Add a third car with a different position, size, and color (and make sure it also wraps around when it gets to the end).
  2. [2pts] Create a drawTruck() function that draws a truck. Then add the truck to your animation (in addition to the 2 cars and make sure it also wraps around when it gets to the end).
  3. [1pt] Make the cars accelerate over time (start off slow and gradually move faster).
  4. [2pt] Add your creature to your animation:
    • Inside
    • Add your drawCreature function definition (adapt from Homework 3).
    • In cars/sketch.js: animate your creature
  5. [3pt] Add one of your classmate’s creatures to your animation, and complete the steps from #2 directly above.

What to Submit

Please Read Carefully: To submit Homework 4, please paste the following links into the Moodle under the Homework 4 submission section:

  1. A link to your homepage on GitHub pages, which should link to:
    • Your landscape page (8pts)
    • Your animation page (8pts)
  2. A link to your GitHub code repository (where your code files are stored).
  3. If you did any extra credit, please describe what you did, so that I can make sure I give you the appropriate points.
    • You may earn up to 4pts extra credit.

See Sarah’s homepage for an example.