CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Introduction to Programming for the Web

CSCI 185: Fall 2022

Fish by @akeatk

Assignments > HW1: Make a fake portfolio website

Due on Mon, 09/12 @ 11:59PM. 16 Points.

Hints (Updated 9/11 @12PM)

Several students contacted me about the “Contact” section and how to approach it. I decided to make a video walkthrough to help you with that one. If you want to use the debugging script I used in the video, just paste the following right before the close of the body tag:

<script src=""></script>
    debug('#contact', 3); // first item is the selector; second is # of levels you want to highlight.


The goal of today’s lab is to make a fake portfolio website. You will be given an index.html file, which controls the content. You will then style this content by making changes to the styles.css file that you are given. When you’re done, your webpage should look exactly like the one shown in this video. While this is mostly a CSS exercise, you are also welcome to change index.html to make things easier for you to style (optional, not required). Please download the starter files below to begin:

Homework 1 Starter Files

Your Tasks

In order to complete this assignment, please complete the 7 sets of tasks described below. Read the checklist carefully, to ensure that you receive full credit for this assignment.

  1. Navigation
  2. Header
  3. About Me
  4. Projects
  5. Contact
  6. Footer
  7. Publish to GitHub

Style the <nav></nav> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot below. Specifically, you will:

Style the <header></header> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot above. Specifically, you will:

3. About Me

Style the <section id="about"></section> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot below. Specifically, you will:

4. Projects

Style the <section id="projects"></section> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot below. Specifically, you will:

5. Contact

Style the <section id="contact"></section> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot below. Specifically, you will:

Style the <footer></footer> section so that it matches the style of the screenshot above, with center-aligned text and a light gray background color.

7. Publish to GitHub

When you’re done styling your fake portfolio website, you will:

Here is what my homepage looks like after I’ve published it, except for your HW1 will be a completed HW1 (versus the starter files):


  Task Points Description
1. Navigation 2pts see requirements
2. Header 2pts see requirements
3. About Me 1pts see requirements
4. Projects 3pts see requirements
5. Contact 5pts see requirements
6. Footer 1pt see requirements
7. Publish to GitHub 2pts see requirements
  Total 16pts  

What to Submit

Please Read Carefully: To submit Homework 1, please paste the following links into the Moodle under the Homework 1 submission section:

  1. A link to your homepage (from Tutorial 3) on GitHub pages, which should link to your hw01 assignment (and previous tutorials and classwork you have done).
  2. A link to your GitHub code repository (where your code files are stored).